Trains are used to transport freight and passengers, and many utilize them because they are cheap and relatively safer. While this may be true, train accidents still occur in the United States leading to severe injuries and even death.
According to data from the National Safety Council (NSC), non-fatal injuries totaled 5, 479 and deaths 757 in 2020.
If you have suffered an injury from a train accident in Los Angeles, you should know that you are entitled to receive compensation for your loss and injuries. Call an attorney at Golian Law Group for a free case evaluation at 310-801-3028 today.
There are a variety of reasons why train accidents occur, but some common causes include:
Mechanical failure is an uncommon cause of train accidents but unfortunately, they do happen from time to time leading to serious injuries and even deaths.
Negligence on the part of the railway company itself, a conductor, the railway employee, or even a government agency could be the cause of a train wreck. To be able to recover compensation due to the negligence of the other party, you must prove that the at-fault party owed you a legal duty of care, breached that duty, and as a result caused your injuries.
A careless pedestrian or driver may cause a train accident by standing or crossing the tracks at the wrong time.
This happens when a train goes off its trail due to a defective wheel, broken rails, or a collision with another object. A derailment may be minor or catastrophic depending on the speed the train was moving at.
When a train accident happens due to whatever cause, a number of people – from the passengers to the driver, and third parties as well – can suffer injuries or even wrongful deaths. Some common types of train accident injuries include:
If you have suffered a serious injury due to a train accident, there are a few steps to follow to guarantee your safety and ensure you recover the maximum compensation possible.
Train accidents usually involve severe or fatal injuries, so if you have sustained serious injuries in a train wreck the first thing you should do is to seek medical help right away. (If your loved one has suffered a fatal injury, you might want to file a wrongful death claim so your family can receive the compensation you deserve). Some injuries have delayed symptoms and receiving prompt medical attention will give you a better chance of recuperating properly. In addition, getting immediate help will ensure that your medical records are linked to the train accident which will prove that the wreck indeed caused you to harm and also increase your chance of receiving the compensation you deserve.
The next important thing to do is to document the train accident you’ve been involved in if you can. The at-fault party’s insurance company may want to deny or reduce your benefits, so documenting the accident will serve as evidence when the time comes to receive compensation. Memories fade over time, so it’s important that you write down in as much detail as you remember everything that transpired before, during, and after the accident.
Dealing with the aftermath of a train accident can be very complex and overwhelming, so it is advisable to reach out to a personal injury attorney for help. Expert personal injury lawyers have your best interest at heart and are experienced in such complex areas of the law – this makes them best suited to help protect your rights when it comes to receiving compensation for your injuries.
If you or a loved one has suffered severe injury from a wreck, the Los Angeles train accident attorneys at Golian Law Group are here to help. We know how challenging and overwhelming trying to deal with the aftermath of an accident can be – we do not want you to handle it all on your own which is why we are ready to help you through the process.
Lawyers at Golian Law Group will go over and above to ensure that you recover the full settlement you deserve. If you haven’t yet, we will gather the necessary evidence to support your injury claim, negotiate a fair settlement deal for you, and represent you in court if necessary.
Don’t go through the hassle on your own, call us today at 310-801-3028 for a free evaluation on your case.